Landslides: a monitoring solution with modules LoRa

After testing the range of transmission of LoRa modules, AURORAS has identified two possible uses in the monitoring of landslides in non flat areas.

Types of landslides
The landslides differ from each other depending on:

  • types and causes of motion;
  • duration and repetition of the movement;
  • type and mechanical properties of the material concerned;
  • characteristics and seniority, or less, of the release or slide surface.


 Find out more here:

Possible applications

The main parameters of interest:
– Monitoring of fractures
– Monitoring of the sliding surfaces

The sensors useful in the monitoring of landslides are:
1) Strain Gauges
3) Distometers
4) Jointmeters
5) Inclinometers
6) Piezometers

Regardless of the type chosen, LoRa sensor technology allows real-time monitoring of the data collected. The ability to transmit data up to a distance of 20 km make these modules the right solution in mountainous and hilly areas.
The low cost of this transmission technology allows the creation of locally sensor networks giving a chance even small municipalities or local authorities to be able to monitor in real time the parameters measured by the sensors chosen.

Possible network topologies

LoRa + GPRS: In this configuration, data is collected from a gateway with double connection. The LoRa connection has the function to collect data from sensor nodes while the GPRS is used for the transmission of data to the AURORAS’ server.

LoRa + wifi: even in this configuration, data is collected from a gateway with double connection. The LoRa connection is designed to collect data from sensor nodes while the wifi, connected to a router, is used for the transmission of data to the AURORAS’ server.
